Week in Review:

– Power went out last week during the show and again over the weekend due to high winds & fires.
– Andrea has been working all weekend at Blizz Con and last week at NBA Season Opener show – which is why she wasn’t on the last show.
– Harvey was seen out and about at a comedy show for Artists by Artist and comedian Kelly Bachman had the courage to speak out.
– The campaign is rolling along.

Gratwick Section:

We posted a thread on Twitter bout how we’re going to build an Esports arena.

Main Topic:

– BillsMafia Shirt designed by the amazing artist Ken Newton!
– Pancho Art Contest

Discord Section:

Samantha asks: How much more public outrage will it take for Harvey Weinstein to realize he’s not welcome anymore?

Bullet Blitzes:

– 3D printers, if you could reprint something over and over what would it be?
– We just watched Dolemite, what is the next new movie you want to see?
– Kris is headed to Vegas this weekend to meet Greg and play some poker, what’s the one bet you want me to make for you?
-Since we will be apart for our 1st Halloween, how will Kris celebrate the night in Vegas?

Watch Gratcast live and find other videos and updates on www.facebook.com/gratwickprodinc

To talk to Gratwick Productions every day, join the Discord server with this invitational link: http://www.discord.me/gratwick.

If you like the show, subscribe to the Gratwick Productions channel to get notifications when the next show goes live! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxYG00g4JY4B83y05YumODw

If you prefer to listen to the show, they are posted every Wednesday on www.gratcast.com.

This is our last show before we head to the East Coast for a destination wedding straight out of the last season of How I Met Your Mother. We will be taking a break next Monday since we will be in transit on our way back to L.A.

New this Week: The Google Whistleblower was swatted by Google!
A driver was pulled over and had 8 cell phones playing Pokemon Go at once!
Kris’s Sunday was dominated with interviews for a new Graphic Artist/Social Media position.

Gratwick Section:

How future project submissions will be selected by the shareholders and audience.

The Bills Mafia Homecoming party in September is full steam ahead with sponsors, a promotional team, and athletes!

RefRatings is on the Bills wagon and will offer more fun to all the football fans.

Bullet Blitz:

  • Rank your preferred mode of transportation: tube (not subway), plane, and teleportation
  • If you could only have one for the rest of your life, which would you rather: smoothies or ice cream?
  • What book or movie would you like to see turned into a tv/digital series?
  • Would you rather be AT a Bills home game when they qualify for the Superbowl, but you get injured in all the excitement OR at the Santa Monica Bills Bar and get free beer?

Watch Gratcast live and find other videos and updates on www.facebook.com/gratwickprodinc

To talk to Gratwick Productions every day, join the Discord server with this invitational link: http://www.discord.me/gratwick.

If you like the show, subscribe to the Gratwick Productions channel to get notifications when the next show goes live! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxYG00g4JY4B83y05YumODw