Week in Review:

  • Scheduling meetings for Buffalo
  • Hollywood bombs: Charlie’s Angels – Elizabeth Banks blames men (Terminator, Dr. Sleep, MiB)
  • Amazon Flex, Malificent 4x in French, New Job

Main Topic:

The Mandalorian

Discord Section:

– Favorite review you’ve done
– Top 3 places you want to review
– Will there eventually be a No-pants Joe cooks?

Bullet Blitzes:

– Do you think Kap actually wants to return to NFL or do you agree with Steven A Smith he cares more about being a martyr?
– The new “Who Is John Galt?” is: do you think Epstein killed himself?

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To talk to Gratwick Productions every day, join the Discord server with this invitational link: http://www.discord.me/gratwick.

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If you prefer to listen to the show, they are posted every Wednesday at www.gratcast.com.